Saturday, November 13, 2004

At the Grasslands

Last Saturday (Nov. 6), we rode on the horse trails at the Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ) National Grasslands, near Decatur, Texas. There were four of us: Rita, Gates, Mila and myself. It was one of those breath-takingly beautiful days; fresh and clean, clear and bright--sunny but not hot--simply perfect. The leaves have not yet turned with their Fall colors, but they will soon, I'm sure. When they do, I will be there to gaze upon their loveliness. This weekend is too cold and wet, but we will try again for the next weekend. And after that, comes THANKSGIVING weekend, and Sarah will be home, bringing a couple of friends from college. Hopefully we will have some really nice weather in there somewhere, so we can go horsie riding...maybe even at the Grasslands!