Thursday, January 27, 2005

I haven't been able to post a new picture for several days now. I don't know why; Hello BloggerBot has not been responding. So, I'll try posting without a picture, for now. I have been sick for some time now. I started a round of antibiotics for a sore throat and an ear infection on January 10th, got some better, but not all the way. Now it seems to have settled in the right side of my face, with swollen lymph glands, a puffy, weepy right eye, stuffiness, sneezing, get the picture. I made myself go to work on Tuesday, but by Tuesday night I was BAD. Went to the doctor yesterday (Wednesday) morning, and I got two shots (one in each arm) and another round of antibiotics. And I am staying home from work. Hopefully, this time around I will finally shake this bug for good. Surely by now everyone has heard about the Marines who lost their lives in a helicopter crash in Iraq; it was all over the news yesterday. The Pilot was an extended family member of ours. His name was Lyle Gordon, and he was our niece's brother-in-law. This war has finally hit close to home--and close to heart. Please keep all our troops and their families in your prayers.