Sunday, December 10, 2006

Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Got up at 4:45 on Friday; worked 8 hours at Weber. I am still in the #3 spot in the cell, going on the 3rd month in a row. Doug is in the #1 spot, followed by George, me, Butch, Donnie and then Vickie. Valerie, Jennifer, and Jeff are all out of the cell, as are the newest people, Maria and Matt. We lost Aricka this past week and gained Matt; people come and people go in our little world. Jeff took the day off.

Friday night I met Sarah at SHOOTER'S, where we ate supper, drank a few beers, and shot one game of pool. I really enjoyed that.

Saturday I went runnin' around with Rita. We went to Gainesville, Aubry and Denton. We hit all the horse stores. She bought some new stirrups and a saddle pad, and I ordered myself a new pair of Roper boots (called Horseshoes) from Smith Brothers. Guess who we saw there? Our friend, Mona. She was working there. It was her 2nd week. On the way back to Gainesville, Rita and I ate a late lunch at Miguelito's in Sanger, then we shopped some more in Gainesville, before heading back to Muenster. Rita had to go home to get ready for the Saint Jo Christmas Parade. I had enough time before the 5:00 P.M. Mass to tighten the Headers on my one-ton for the first time. I did it all myself except for one nut, the back one on the passenger side, which Bob had to do from the ground, using a ratchet. After Bob and I got home from church, then Sarah and Bob and I went to Carol and Gene's for supper (pizza). Dad was there, too, and so was Kat. After we ate, we read the murder mystery story that came with my birthday present, and worked on the 500-piece puzzle that will tell us who-done-it. We did not finish the puzzle, though, so we will have to go back another day. We got most of it done, however, and it was a fun evening. The only bad thing--Gene wrecked his car at the Kountry Korner sometime today, and crunched in the front end when he hit a pole. No one was hurt; that's all that matters.

Sunday morning I ate brunch at the farm, along with Doug, Lynda, Carolyn, Jacob, Kat, Carol, and Dad. Later, I drove my Big Red (1-ton) to the Bottom Pasture to check on the horses. They came crowding around and I gave them all two horse treats. I went back to the house and loaded up two bales and hay and went back down to feed them. They are plenty fat but the grass is short and the round bale of grass hay that they have is mouldy.

After lunch, Bob and Sarah and I went to the Cinemark in Sherman and watched The Nativity Story. It was really good and I cried, of course. Afterwards we came back to Gainesville and shopped at the Wal-Mart there. Now Bob is watching the Cowboy game at his mom's, and Sarah is trying to sleep as I type this. Good night!