Day Two
Greetings. Today I worked at Weber, 7-3:30. I deburred legs ALL DAY. After work I went to Nortex in Gainesville to get help with a problem I was having with Cingular. By the time I got to The Farm, my co-workers, Ann Shugart and Cheryl Hitt, were already there, along with Sarah. They had the horses all saddled and ready to ride, but first we had to help Dad, Melvin and Andrew lot and sort cattle. Dad will sell the six weaner calves tomorrow at the Muenster Livestock Auction. Finally we four ladies were free to go riding. We went around Felderhoff's Lake, and then down through the creek, which was belly deep on our horses. We've had 10.02" of rain so far this month! Sarah rode Apache, Cheryl rode Gabby, Ann rode Babe, and I rode Ranger. Earlier today, Sarah cleaned everything out of the garage freezer in preparation of selling the freezer. She took 10-lbs of catfish to Rohmer's, and they charged her $22 to fry it all. Thus ends my second post.
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