Sunday, October 31, 2010


October is "Respect Life Month." It may be the last day of the month, but I found this in today's church bulletin and think it is worth passing along:

"It is a principle of Christian faith, anchored to natural law, that the human being should be protected, precisely in situations of weakness; the human person always takes priority over other aims. The new possibilities of biotechnology and medicine frequently put us in situations as difficult as walking on the razor's edge. It is our duty to study diligently to what point these methods may be helpful to the human being and where, instead, it is a matter of the manipulation of the human being or a violation of human integrity and dignity. We cannot refuse such developments but we must also be attentive. When people begin to make distinctions, and often this is already done in the maternal womb, between a life that is worthy and one that is unworthy of living, no other phases of life will be spared, especially not old age and infirmity."

~ Pope Benedict XVI, Address to the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany, Sept. 13, 2010