Glori on Nicker and Janette on Ginger. Nicker was a true white (albino) horse; not a gray. She was big & stout, and highly nervous, but I loved riding her. Momma didn't like me to ride her, though, so Glori and I swapped for the parade. Note that I am wearing my brother Henry's Army shirt (the real thing--I loved it!), and a pair of fringed moccasins, along with my white jeans--WOW. But Glori's pretty cute, too. Neither one of us ever owned a pair of cowboy boots, that I can recall. Judging by the way that I am holding Ginger back, I do remember now that she liked to GO! By-the-way, I 'most always rode bareback back then, because I didn't have a good saddle--not until I got my grey horse, Smokey.
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