Janette Yosten (age 13) on Nicker, and Gloria Hess (age 13) on Ginger, in front of Kat & Tom's house in Rosston, Texas, before the start of the Centennial Parade, Summer 1972. I love this picture, because it shows just how comfortable I was on a horse--any horse--back then. And because I don't have too many good pictures of my old best friend and I riding together--why is that??!! When we practically LIVED on horseback!! Notice how long my hair is...Sarah's was that long, and blonde, once. Too bad that whoever took this picture got something in the way...part of a steering wheel, perhaps? Sarah, see the black mark on Ginger's right lower rump? That was sort of a birth mark, I guess, because she had it as long as I can remember. But, do you remember that Flip also had the same thing? Curious!
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