That's my dad doing a flying leap in his underwear for the camera, and that's me sitting to the left. It was late 1977/early 1978, so I was probably 19, and Dad would have been 49. Ummm, I'M 46 now! We're in the livingroom at home. The gunrack is on the east wall, and that empty spot above dad's right arm is where the A/C sits in a hole in the south wall today. So, Doug & Lynda drove Dad to the specialist in Dallas this morning, and the news is all good. No surgery, stop taking any thyroid medication, and come back in 3 months. Now THAT'S something to jump up & down about--YEAH! P.S. Bob and I both may have spider bites--his is on his head and mine is on my foot. Hummmm
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