Monday, September 27, 2004


Well, it was three weeks ago today that I came off of Sarah's horse and injured my shoulder. I went back to work last Wednesday, only to find out that the crew has gone back to working 10-hour days again--blah. My shoulder is not quite 100% better, but close enough. The last weekend was great, because Sarah and Felicia came in on Friday night. I just found out that they went out to the farm and went horseback riding in the middle of the night (or should we say, In the middle of the morning??!!). Riding in the moonlight--AHHHH, now THAT'S an adventure!! On Saturday we went to ShoutFest at the Grayson County Airport--Sarah, Felicia, Bob & I. It was supposed to start at 2:00 p.m., but it was actually 6:15 when they began, because the Generator was broken. It was fun just to lounge in the lawn chairs and people-watch, and to have the time to just visit with my daughter and her friend without distractions (like the computer or the T.V.)--it isn't as if we could do anything else anyway--HA! The girls got back to Longview around 3:00 a.m. Sunday morning. Bob & I went to Mass at 8:00 a.m. Then I went to my dad's for brunch, along with my sister Kathy; my sister Carol and her husband Gene, and their son, Jason; my brother Doug and his wife Lynda, and their two daughters, Gina & Tara, and Tara's daughter, Carolyn, who turned 2 in August. After lunch, Bob and I went to his brother Larry's in Sanger to bring home Bob's '77 GMC pickup. From there, Bob went on to the LBJ National Grasslands in Decatur, to scout out a place to set up his deer stand next Friday; archery season opens this coming weekend. Larry's place is remarkable(!), and I have a new respect for this man who manages this world with only one arm. Last Tuesday evening, my sister-in-law's nephew was in a bad car wreck. He is still in Harris Hospital in Fort Worth, with 5 broken ribs, a punctured lung, and 2 cracked veterbrae below his neck. He is in a lot of pain and would appreciate your prayers. His wife was taken to the Gainesville Hospital but is OK and was released last Thursday. Sadly, the couple's baby girl was killed in the accident!! Little Karys Rhea just turned 1 on Sept. 5th. She was buried last Friday in McKinney. Please pray for this family; their parents and grandparents. "Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs." (Matthew 19:14).