Friday, January 12, 2007


Another good day at work, though I was so tired all day that at times I wondered how I was gonna make it. Worked 10 hours, and that gives me 12 hours of overtime for the week. I am not working this weekend because the weather is going downhill fast--should be icy by morning and it should stick around for days. My check was good: $708.07 (Gross: $978.93, deductions: $270.86!). The double-time ($26.82 an hour) on Sunday really helped.

Everyone was there today except Jeff (vacation day); George took his place in the cell. It was: Doug, George, Me, Valerie, Donnie, and Vickie. Jennifer and Maria cut tape, Butch did all sorts of different jobs offline, and Kathy orchestrated the entire show. We ran VOZ all day, finishing the last one just before going home at 3:30. Those backs are so heavy! I get tired of handling them all day. I wanted to know just how heavy they are when George hands one to me, so I carried one across the way to a digital scale that they use to weigh the seats on the line. The back weighed 6.8 lbs! I was not surprised; that was pretty much what I thought it would weigh. I drill/pop the right sides (outside), then turn it over and do the two inside rivets on that same side. Not so hard, but I had the quad side until the last hour, and drilling through those get really tiring.

After work it was was POURING rain. The golf course next door was flooded. When I rolled into town around 4:00 the bank showed 34 degrees. It was balmy/warm (maybe 70) until the front blew through sometime between noon and 12:40 p.m. In fact, we had three large floor fans running most of the day!

I went to FISCHER'S for a few more groceries, then I came home and made a double batch of homemade chili, using ground chuck, as usual (for me); not chili meat. Sarah went to Gainesville ISD's basketball game. Now she and her daddy are watching an old western on DVD ("SHANE"). And I really shouldn't be trying to write when I am so tired; but Hey! I'm OFF TOMORROW! yEAH! Heh.