Saturday, January 13, 2007


Before midnight last night the landscape was iced over, but the roads remain clear, even now, at 8:00 p.m. I stayed home all day; Sarah did too. Bob went in to work (at Klement Ford) until about 11:00, then gave it up. They couldn't even open the front gates because they were iced shut, and I'm sure most people thought they were closed for the day. I enjoyed my day, puttering around the house and doing whatever. I dusted the livingroom and washed one load of laundry, and cleaned off my "desk", but other than that I pretty much did nothing. I read awhile, took a bath, and at 5:00 Bob and I went to church. Brother Doug, cousin Diane and neighbor Linda were the song leaders. Doug and Diane played guitars. We sang "Just A Closer Walk With Thee" and it was beautiful. Sister-in-law Lynda sat with Bob & I during Mass. It was standing room only, in the back, again tonight! I'm guessing that everyone figures that they will be iced-in in the morning, and they could be right. Lynda said that Doug was going to drive her to work after church and then go get her in the morning when she gets off, because of the ice threat. She is a nurse at NTMC (North Texas Medical Center) in Gainesville. She works 12-hour shifts, from 7:00 A.M. to 7:00 P.M.