You Know You're A Redneck...

...when you take your horses to the car-wash! Bob took this picture of me from inside the wash bay, which I think looks kinda neat. That's Lucky on the left and Ranger on the Right.

Lucky and Ranger at the car wash.

Ummm, that's called a butt shot, I think--thanks Bob!

And now, Lucky has his up against the wall...heh, heh!

Ranger's telling me just where he wants it.

As you can see, we are parked just outside the car-wash bay. The horses are quite comfortable with this set-up. I am always careful to not get too close, and to keep the wand moving, so as not to hurt them with the high pressure. Later, after they were dry and saddled, Bob (on Lucky) and I (on Ranger) and Rita (on Selsiana) went riding near Saint Jo--some along Highway 82, some on Leeton Joe's, and mostly on a gravel road. We rode about 3 hours, until just after sunset, and we had a great time. Sunday, January 29, 2006.