Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Good times

Gotta love a job that brings you in 2 hours early, then sends you home 4 hours before quittin' time. That's what happened yesterday. So, Cheryl, Ann, and I decided to Hit The Road, as it was too muddy to go riding. Of course, we kept it to a horsie-themed afternoon. We went to Smith Brothers and Foster's (in Denton), and then to all the stores in the big city of Justin. We toured some fantastic horse trailers in Denton--think of THE fanciest, most beautiful motor home you can think of, and then add horse stalls in the back, and you get the picture. We had a great time, and my batteries were recharged. Today, Ann had to take her youngest son to the Dentist after work, but Cheryl came to Muenster and went riding with Sarah and I. Sarah rode Babe, and I loved watching the little mare move out; she's such a pretty thing! It's still too wet for Sarah to start cutting hay, but today she worked on the rakes, changing out old, broken teeth for new ones. In fact, it is still so wet in the pastures, that we rode through quite a bit of water. I am ready for all this water to DRY UP!

Monday, June 21, 2004


Sigh. I'm supposed to be blogging--Sarah said! But the truth is, my heart isn't in it anymore. John C. said my website was boring, and I guess he's right. Who cares that I attached life vest boxes to airplane seats all day, or that my friends Ann and Cheryl came out to the farm after work, and visited while Gates trimmed our horses' feet? Mel said our timing couldn't have been better, because 30 minutes earlier the rainwater was pouring through the yard so fast, that it cut a deep rut in the gravel. Anyway, Father's Day (yesterday) was nice. We gathered at my dad's (the farm) for a hamburger/hotdog cookout. I gave my dad some framed photos of my mom and my brother Henry, which everyone liked. I really miss them both. Sigh.
"When people ask me how I'd like to be remembered, I know that you can win all the major championships you want or all the U.S. Opens that you want. But that's all about facts and that's all about statistics. ...You will be remembered, but will you be missed?" -Paul Azinger, reciting a passage from the late Payne Stewart

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Day Three

TIRED. Stayed up too late last night. Deburred legs for Gef/Voz till lunch, then worked on The Line for same. My job was to route and tie off IFE (In-Flight Entertainment) cables. There are four such cables, leading to the boxes that are attached to the metal thingies (IFE Supports) that are attached to one of the legs on the seat. A royal pain. After work I went to Refinery Road Vets for a dose of West Nile vaccine for Ann's Pinto mare, "Babe", and Sarah injected the horse with it. Then Sarah (on Ranger, with a bareback pad), LouEllen (on Apache), Luke (on Gabby), and Heather (on Babe), went for a nice ride. I took their pictures but stayed at the farm to visit with dad. For the second night in a row I have forgotten to bring home dad's meat grinder so I can make my chicken salad--arrgh! I'm still not sure why I'm doing this, but whatever! Blog on!

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Day Two

Greetings. Today I worked at Weber, 7-3:30. I deburred legs ALL DAY. After work I went to Nortex in Gainesville to get help with a problem I was having with Cingular. By the time I got to The Farm, my co-workers, Ann Shugart and Cheryl Hitt, were already there, along with Sarah. They had the horses all saddled and ready to ride, but first we had to help Dad, Melvin and Andrew lot and sort cattle. Dad will sell the six weaner calves tomorrow at the Muenster Livestock Auction. Finally we four ladies were free to go riding. We went around Felderhoff's Lake, and then down through the creek, which was belly deep on our horses. We've had 10.02" of rain so far this month! Sarah rode Apache, Cheryl rode Gabby, Ann rode Babe, and I rode Ranger. Earlier today, Sarah cleaned everything out of the garage freezer in preparation of selling the freezer. She took 10-lbs of catfish to Rohmer's, and they charged her $22 to fry it all. Thus ends my second post.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Today I worked at Weber Aircraft from 7:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. For the first hour I put clear tape on some of the edges of these metal thingies, to make them less sharp. For this I was paid $10.66--HA! For the next four hours I worked on The Line, routing and tying off aisle light cables. The metal thingies that I was working on earlier, were now attached to the legs of the seats, and in order to route my cables properly, I had to first remove the wiring boxes that were attached to the metal things, route and tie the cable, then replace the wiring box. It was not hard at all; kinda fun, actually. The rest of my day at work was spent deburring legs--BORING! After work I went to Wal-Mart, where I tried to fill my pickup with gas ($1.839 a gallon), but my shopping card only held $54.84, and it wasn't quite enough to fill both tanks. They say on the news that gas prices have gone down a bit, but I couldn't really say, as I refuse to look when I fill--it's less painful that way. Taquitos for supper, and chicken cooking on the stove for chicken salad sandwiches. Thus ends my first post ever.