Loren (on Lucky) and Sarah (on Apache) taken by Janette (on Ranger). Riding on Bayer's, a.k.a. the Schaefen (however it's spelled!), on Sunday afternoon, March 18, 2007. It was Sarah's first time and my and Loren's second time to ride this place. We rode the perimeter (fenceline) of the two pastures, staying out of the wheat fields, which were up about 6 inches, I'd guess. We rode about three hours, so this tells you how big at least one of the pastures was. What a great day! The wind was a little strong, but that just kept the horses from getting too hot, as they are still not finished shedding out their winter coats. The trees are fit to burst with fat buds on them, and the Redbud trees were a riot of bright (dark) and light pinks and purples. The Dogwoods are still blooming, though many were about finished. Too bad I didn't get some shots of those gorgeous colors! I'm usually too busy drinking it all in with my eyes to bother fiddling with the camera. I'm not too swift with the Digital yet, anyway, plus my leather gloves made trying rather clumsy. Ranger was a good boy and I like the way he's handling with the different bit. He turned 10 years old on March 9th, and we'd been riding him all those years with an o-ring snaffle. When I took his bridle to the saddleshop for some repairs, we were forced to use a different rig. We used a bridle with a Tom Thumb bit, which is a curb bit, even though it has a jointed mouthpiece. It's the fact that it has shanks that makes it a curb bit. We WERE using this bridle on Lucky, but he hated it, so now we're just riding him with a halter. Sarah wants to get a Sidepull for him, which I think is a great idea. Such rambling! Must be bedtime.
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