
This is Ann's horse, Buddy, when he was only 3 months old. He was born March 21, 2005, so he was going to be two years old this Spring. Going to be. Ann called me at 9:00 this morning to tell me the heartbreaking news: Buddy died last night. It seems he tried to go over a fence and somehow was injured. His back-end was not working right. The vet was called out, and he said the horse would be ok, but he was wrong. Buddy managed to get himself to the house, where he died. Steve was going to bury the horse today, Ann said, and I guess he did. But it was a cold, wet day, and very muddy already from previous rains/ice/sleet. Those poor, poor people! I feel so sorry for them all. Ann had such plans for Buddy. They could already do just about anything with him; load him in a trailer or saddle him. He was gentle and kind and his death is such a great loss! And his mother, Babe, is grieving, Ann said. I'm sure she is very anxious and looking for him. I wish I had a more current picture; he was a gorgeous, big horse. I will ask Ann for a more recent picture, and I will post it. Oh Ann, I am so sorry! Good-bye, Buddy.
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