Last Friday evening, Sarah and I went out to the 'pits to shoot my 22/45 Ruger Mark III pistol. Even though I've owned this gun since last August 11, 2006, Sarah had never shot it. We took some cans of skunk-beer that Bob dug out of a dumpster, and set them up on the hillside. Sarah alternated sitting on a burned tree stump and standing to shoot, and she did very well either way. Most cans blew apart with an explosion of brew, but one looked like a man taking a leak, sending a streaming arc high in the air that finally ran down to nothing...we both laughed at that one! HEH!
Then, Sarah asked me if I'd ever shot it rapid-fire. (The clip holds 10 rounds). I said I had, but that I didn't hit very much that way. Well, she climbed up on the flat bed of my 1-ton, and she got in a prone position, and she proceeded to fire away. I think there was only one can left standing at this point, the one that had streamed out. As she shot, it never moved, and we thought maybe she had missed...but, upon inspection, it had three holes blown through it! Not bad shooting for a first time to handle a particular firearm, and with no scope, either.
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