Thursday, December 30, 2004

This picture was taken in the old Sacred Heart Parish Hall, upstairs, I think. I'm pretty sure we're at a wedding reception, but I don't know any of those grownups. That's me on the far right, dancing with my cousin, Diane. Maybe she can tell me who those people are(?)

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Me and a kitty. Note the pedal airplane in the background. Today we all went to the eye doctor. I have a cataract in my left eye. They can't get my vision in that eye up to 20/20, even with the new glasses I ordered today, but hopefully I will be able to see well enough with my right eye, with the new lenses, to keep me going awhile longer. Sarah ordered a years' worth of contacts for $200. Bob got a few hits with the laser, but otherwise his eyes are OK. I was never so glad to have Sarah there to drive as I was today, as my dilated and worked over eyes were a mess. Paul came to visit, and showed us some cruise pictures. Sarah and I tried to clean a couple of saddle pads, but it was more mess than anything, and I ended up at the car wash with them, all with poor results. I wish someone would tell me of a good way to clean those things!?

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Well, this one says Janette Marie, 5 months. I think I'm on the west end of the front porch. I'm posting two pictures tonight, since I missed posting last night. Anyway, I kinda want to get through these baby pictures fast, 'cause who's gonna care but me? But Sarah scanned them for me, and I will post them!

Me and some kitties, on the front porch at home. Don't know the date, or my age.

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Another shot of me at 4 months, with my mom. The car is a 1952 Chrysler, I think. The grove of trees in the background at the left are catalpa trees, a.k.a. "The bean trees", because of their long, beanlike pods. They were very popular back then, for some reason. I think that farmers planted them as wind breaks. We dug for and found a lot of good earthworms, for fishing, underneath those trees. Note that the Grade A Dairy barn is not there yet; it was built later that year (1959). The windmill is only partly left now, but the water tank is still standing, and so is the "tank house" building behind mom. You can see part of my climbing tree that I mentioned yesterday, there also behind my mom. OK, well, today was a beautiful, sunny day. Bob turned 60 today. Sarah (on Lucky), Bob (on Gabby) and I (on Ranger) rode a big loop ride around town, stopping at the Sonic for lunch. I'd guess we rode about 8 miles, but I might check that out tomorrow. Then, Sarah rode Pepper, I rode Apache, and Janet rode Diamond, for a short ride on Janet's place. Then Janet and I went walking till sundown, and then I fed the horses 2 square bales of prairie hay, as darkness fell, and a full moon rose...awesome!

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Christmas

Here I am at 4 months of age, held by my dear momma. Since I was born November 30th, I'd say this picture was taken either on March 30th or 31st, or else sometime in April, of 1959. My dad still lives in that house today; the house where I grew up, as did my mom before me. Both trees are gone now, and the wooden-shingled roof is now covered with tin. Note the lightning rod along the edge of the roof (left side). There was something scary about that tree in the front of the house...a knocking sound could be heard, coming from inside the tree. Both trees were mulberry's, and NOT the fruitless type of today. The ripe berries would cover the sidewalk, and, since we kids were always barefooted, our feet would turn purple from walking on the berries. The mulberries attracted lots of butterflies, which I loved, but also attracted houseflies, which my parents hated. Daddy eventually cut down both trees, to get rid of all the aggravations that accompanied them. There was a third mulberry tree, just out of the picture, at the bottom, left-hand corner (where the sidewalk bends); it was the last one to go, and I hated it when it was cut down, as it was my favorite tree to climb. Today we celebrated our Savior's birth during Mass at 9:00 A.M., then partied at Grandma Hess's. In the afternoon, Sarah and I went to the farm. She walked up to Felderhoff's, caught Lucky, and rode him home, through the snow that was still in the barditch--riding bareback, and guiding him only by his halter and lead-rope. She turned him loose with our other 3 horses, out in the Top Pasture, and they all sniffed, and snuffled, and got to know each other, and then took off galloping across the way. The sorrel gelding was one of Sarah's Christmas presents--surprise! Oh, and Sarah put snow down my pants, then I layed down to make a snow angel, and got all wet, since the snow is kinda slushy by now. Even though it was a beautiful, sunny day, I'd call this one a white Christmas, because there was still snow around.

Friday, December 24, 2004

'Twas the night before Christmas...

First cousins, Janette Yosten and Mary Durbin, on "Pony-Pone", a LONG time ago! We had just gotten home from swimming in the Muenster Pool, and so we were still wearing our swimsuits. The Durbins were here from Louisiana for a summertime visit. Mary's mom, Veronica, was my dad's sister. I surely did enjoy those times when my cousins came to stay with us for a while! Well, it is Christmas Eve, and we still have snow on the ground, from the blizzard we had on Sarah's birthday, Wednesday, December 22nd. Thanks to Sarah and our new toy, I now have lots of old, scanned pictures to post, so be checking in daily for updates.